Senator Elisha Abbo In Trouble Over Viral Video, Faces Possible Recall

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Nigeria we hail thee.That was what our colonial national anthem said, however, today, there seem to be nothing to hail Nigeria over, the giant of Africa has degenerated into a laughing stock in the committee of nations, a nation whose insignia inspires distrust amongst nations, a nation where civil servants are civil masters abrogating to themselves criminal and unconstitutional powers designed to further suppress the already downtrodden Nigerians and their below a dollar living standards.

Elsewhere, the political class serve the electorates and for that reason their electoral systems are devoid of violence but on the Nigerian front, the political class set up themselves as super masters who go to the toilet with police escorts, setting for themselves salaries that will make even billionaire US president Donald Trump swoon from shock of the enormity of it all. The result is that, on the political field, it’s a do or die affair, and once one scales through the blood bath, such a one becomes a god.

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A typical example is the CCTV footage of Senator Elisha Abbo which is currently trending on social media, in the footage, his “godness” is seen repeatedly slapping a female attendant of a sex toy shop in Abuja, and as if the beatings were not enough, the “honorable” senator ordered the arrest of the young female attendant and the police orderly who saw everything that transpired, murdered his conscience of fair judgment and enforced the rampaging senators directive.

If Nigeria were a just nation, Senator Elisha Abbo would be removed from the house in disgrace, but Nigeria is not a just country, Senator Elisha Abbo, probably has a godfather whose reach is to the infinite in the Nigerian political landscape, so Senator Elisha Abbo, will get a smack on the wrist and go on abusing Nigerians, only this time he will always ensure that there are no CCTV installed before unleashing his godly powers.

The real tragedy of this sordid affair is that Senator Elisha Abbo is reportedly the youngest senator at the moment, considering that for a long time, there has been a clamor for the involvement of youths in the Nigerian political arena and the retirement of the Buharis and the Obasanjos, etc, now the youths finally get one of their own into the highly exalted position and months into office, he shows that Nigerian youths are incapable of handling power.
In a petition raised by one Daniel Adebayo, he said,

“Senate Elisha Abbo, who has benefitted from #NotTooYoungToRun movement and voted in as the youngest senator in Nigeria has acted irresponsibly by assaulting a helpless and defenseless nursing mother without provocation.

“As a senator, he is meant to be responsible, protect the right of Nigerians, instead he chooses to abuse and molest a defenseless citizen.

“His behavior is abhorrent, completely unacceptable and totally condemnable.

“I am appealing to Nigerians to help sign this petition so that he can be prosecuted and brought to justice, as this will serve as a deterrent to others who might want to abuse power and perpetrate similar acts.”

Another petitioner said

“Recall of Senator Elisha Abbo for assaulting a nursing mother in Abuja’, Prosecute Senator Elijah Abbo for aggravated assault’, Sign a petition to recall Sen. Elisha Abbo for physically assaulting a nursing mother,’ Justice for woman assaulted by senator Elisha Abbo, ‘End Abuse on women and girls’.

The Senate and Inspector General of Police have ordered that thorough investigation be carried out over the incident.

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1 Comment
  1. Queen says

    This disgrace of a young man should be thrown out of the house and into the streets where his type belong

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