Akure Huge Explosion, The Theories, The Conspiracies, and The Rumors

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A huge explosion has been reported in the town of Akure, the explosion which reportedly occurred in the early hours of Saturday is said to have shaken the whole town. The ground zero of the explosion was the Eleyowo community in Akure town, the exact cause of the explosion as at news time is yet unknown, but that does not mean that loads of explanations are not “flying around”.

Some claimed that the explosion came from a truck conveying explosives that caught fire when asked why there was no evidence of debris from the said truck, they claimed that the explosion buried the truck, however, the military authorities have said no trucks carrying explosives to any of its facilities were in that area.

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Most people reported that it is a terrorist attack when asked how an explosive that could have caused the type of damage could have gone unnoticed, they responded that the attack was aided by the cover of darkness.

However, the most logical input is that of an asteroid crashing into the ground because the crater that resulted from the explosion has the features of an asteroid crashing into the ground.

Recall that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a statement earlier in March, where it said that the trajectory of an asteroid 2012 XA133 indicates that the asteroid will pass close to the earth, the asteroid which was described as large was marked as being potentially hazardous. According to the NASA statement, the asteroid was projected to pass by Earth (Nigeria) around March 27 at speeds of more than 53,000mph.

“As they orbit the Sun, NEOs [Near Earth Object] can occasionally approach close to Earth.

“Note that a ‘close’ passage astronomically can be very far away in human terms: millions or even tens of millions of kilometres.”

The explosion in Akure is reported to have destroyed many buildings around the point of impact, the buildings affected include includes residential buildings, churches, and a school.

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