Unemployment, Thing of the Past If… – Ngige

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The Nigerian Minister of Labour and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige, has said that the growing issue of unemployment among Nigerian youths will be a thing of the past if President Muhammadu Buhari wins second terms, according to the minister the present Muhammadu Buhari administration is working hard to end youth unemployment.

Dr. Chris Ngige said the current Buhari government has put in place training programmes that are designed to engage youths in skill acquisitions and convert them into employers of labour. The minister intoned that for unemployed youths to benefit from the training program they would be required to register with the National Directorate of Employment for one of the various training programmes.

The Nigerian minister said this during the passing out ceremony of the latest batch of 500 at Idemili South Local Government Secretariat, Ojoto, this batch of trainees were trained in cosmetology by the NDE.

The minister promised that the beneficiaries would be provided with funds to enable them to start their own business, speaking to the graduates, he enjoined them to form cooperatives to strengthen their business, adding that the cost of engaging in cooperatives would be reduced for them.

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