Many Marriages Hit The Rock – Coronavirus Attack

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According to reports reaching from China, the provincial Registrar of Marriage is having a hard time dealing with the sudden upsurge in divorce cases lining up to end up legal marriage arrangements.

This is one of the many fallouts of the novel coronavirus.

Married couples who have been forced to stay together under one roof for days are getting to find out that they are not as compatible as they thought when they signed the marriage contract.

Following the insurmountable differences which the coronavirus compulsory stay at home order has brought to the fore, the provincial Registrar of Marriage is now facing a deluge of appointment requests.

Since opening operations on March 2nd, all the bureau’s 17 offices have been fully booked and all appointments are taken up.

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The provincial Registrars office says that it is fully booked, this has resulted in long queues as married couples who want to call it quits are getting agitated because they can’t stand being together a while longer than they have have been after seeing things they consider the end of the road during coronavirus quarantine in China.

One official of the bureau said

“And now, the public needs to wait for nearly three weeks for their turn to submit the applications,”

Recall that the Chinese government asked everyone to stay at home to avoid spreading the COVID-19, so people were compelled to stay home for over a month, hardly stepping out of their homes, and this seems to have pushed many marriages to the extreme, and as soon as the quarantine was lifted, many couples headed straight to the marriage registrar to end their marriage.

In Xi’an province in China, reports of the long wait that hitherto married couples have to endure to get a divorce have become a major topic on Weibo, the popular Chinese social media platform.

This new development doesn’t seem to be peculiar to Xi’an province alone as reports reaching us from Dazhou city in south-western Sichuan province, say that offices of the Registrar of Marriage are also overwhelmed by divorce application forms.

Dai Shijun, the Tongchuan district bureau chief said

“We handled 15 divorce cases on Monday and 16 on Tuesday.

“Those who made appointments for divorce are more than those who want to get married,”

According to Dai, as at the moment, there are well over 100 couples waiting in line for a divorce.

On Weibo, a lot of users gave insight to why this trending divorce of marriages could not be avoided.

One Weibo user said

“Before the outbreak, I could understand that he was very busy at work and neglected the family but now he is so free and yet, he is not helping out with a little housework or taking care of our child.”

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