Aliko Dangote – Africa’s Richest Man Wants To Buy Arsenal

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The richest black man on the face of the earth, Aliko Dangote has registered his interest in owning the English premier league side, Arsenal, those close to the business mogul said that Aliko is a diehard Arsenal fan, it’s not surprising then, that he has shown an interest in buying and owning the club that he loves.


While speaking in an interview during one of Bloomberg’s “David Rubinstein show”, the business mogul hinted on his desire to own the Premier League club side.

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“Arsenal is a team that, yes, I would like to buy someday”

Recall Africa’s richest man is still in the process of building one of the most significant privately owned refineries in Africa, he is also in the process of building a petrochemical plant for the production of raw materials of petrochemical base and these projects are said to be worth over $20billion, according to Aliko, this could possibly be responsible for his delay at buying the club side.
“But what I keep saying is, we have $20billion worth of projects and that’s what I really want to concentrate on

“I’m trying to finish building the company and then after we finish, maybe sometime in 2021, we can”.

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